Sly Devil Studios | Links

Here is the preliminary list of links. I don't have much for 2-D sites, so if you know of any good ones, please email me. Also I will be happy to add anyone's site to either catagory if you e-mail me a link to the address above.

Here are some sites I visit regularly and draw inspiration from. I am still planning to add sites in the future and would appreciate any suggestions. And please, add this site you your links page if possible. | The makers of Animation:Master

Victor Navone's Online Gallery | My inspiration for getting into 3-D Animation (A:M)

VW | Excellent human modeling (A:M)

Brian Prince | The master of photo-realistic scenes (A:M)

Yves Poissant | Some good work. Great resorces in the tutorial and download sections! (A:M)


Julie Dillon's Tutorials | Great tutorials on drawing anime style and coloring in Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro


40K Konversions | A site I co-created with my dad and did some graphics for

Street Tech | My father's hardware review site for which I've written several reviews

Cafe Press | A simply wonderful site that allows you to set up an online store for FREE! They just take a healthy chunk of your profit...

Sly Devil Ware | My Cafe Press store where you can buy cool close made my me!